When people hear the word ringworm, they often ask what is ringworm. It is in this regard that we are going to, closely examine this aspect and answer the question what is ringworm.

Ringworm is also usually referred to as dermatopytosis. It is a clinical condition, which affects the skin and is usually caused by a fungal infection. The condition mostly affects human beings, cats, sheep and cattle among others. It should be noted that the condition is commonly called ringworm, because it is caused by a fungi and not worms. However, the fungi that causes the condition causes what are called dermatopytes or parasitic infections, which feed on the outer layer of the skin called the keratin. The fungi mainly thrives on warm, moist skin and on the hair shaft exteriors.
Research has established that today, almost 20% of the population is at risk of being infected with ringworm. The condition is commonest among sportsmen. Therefore, in answering the question what is ringworm, it must be understood that this is a fungal infection that affects the skin. This fungal condition is mostly caused by and spread through sharing of things like towels and clothing. It mostly affects people in swimming pools and locker rooms, since these are the places where people share things most.
Having looked at the definition of the condition; it is vital that we examine some of its commonest symptoms. This will enable you to identify it and seek medical help as soon as possible. Once the body is infected, it will have enlarged red rings, which is why the disease is referred to as ringworm. Since the condition affects various parts of the body, it might present with various symptoms in those parts. For example, if it is on the skin of the feet, it might cause athlete’s foot. On the other hand, in case it is on the groin, it might cause what is referred to as a jock itch. In addition, if the infection affects the nails, it might cause discoloration, and in severe cases, the nails might fall out. Since the condition affects different parts of the body, it is essential for us to look at some of these parts. The commonest parts that are affected by the condition include the feet, fingernails, toenails, groin, palm, hands, legs, trunk, arms, scalp and face. In all these cases, the condition is referred to by a different name. However, the name is not so important to us when answering the question what is ringworm. All that you need to understand is that these parts could be infected and when you see a ring like infection on your skin, you should seek medical help immediately.
It should be noted that, it is possible for you to prevent getting the infection, and the best way of doing so by not sharing your clothes or garments. You should also avoid sharing sheets with infected persons. However, if you feel you have been exposed to the fungi, you should immediately wash with anti-bacterial or anti-fungal soap.